Sudarshan Vati Tablets

Key Ingredient: One of the key ingredients in Sudarshan Vati is Triphala which is a popular product among Ayurveda enthusiasts. It is an Ayurvedic herbal rasayana formula consisting of equal...

Pratishyayahara Vati Tablets

  The main components of the Pratishyayahara Vati are bamboo, clove and ginger. Bamboo and Asian ginger are famous cooking ingredients and available in every Indian household along with clove, that adds...

Kasahara Vati Tablets

  Kasahara Vati tablets are composed of Vibhitaki, Shunti, Maricha, Pippali and Mentha Spicata.  Sri Sri Tattva's Kasahara Vati tablets are made from powder. Our experts prepare the best mixtures...

Shwasa Shuddhi Vati

Shwasa Shuddhi Vati has been specially formulated in ancient times to support the management of Prana (vital energy) in the body.   How to Use As prescribed by the physician....

Ginger Tablets

Ginger comes from a flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or ginger, is widely used as a spice and as well as folk medicine. People have been using ginger in...