
Sri Sri Tattva has been committed to providing holistic health solutions for people worldwide. Together with our partners, we are inviting you to an event ‘holistic approach to health’

This event will focus on both the physical and mental health aspects of a person and society. It will feature renowned experts on balneotherapy, yoga, meditation, nutrition, microbiome, and Ayurveda. You will also be able to participate in interactive workshops.

This event will serve as a space to learn, grow, and connect with practitioners, individuals, organisations, government representatives, and businesses who share your passion for holistic health. We invite you to join us at this event and take the first step towards co-creating solutions for healthy, happy individuals and society.


Want The Whole Place Visible?

Robert Knol

Robert Knol, breath workshop trainer, mentor, meditation and yoga trainer

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Connect with government officials, healthcare experts, industry leaders, and fellow health enthusiasts to exchange ideas.

In this event, you will experience the elements that nurture happiness and vitality.

Connect with government officials, healthcare experts, industry leaders, and fellow health enthusiasts to exchange ideas.

In this event, you will experience the elements that nurture happiness and vitality.