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    Pachani Rasayana | 100ml / 200ml

    Pachani Rasayana

      Ginger is the main component of the Pachani Rasayana. Ginger is a root plant famous in India for cooking and medicinal purposes. Ginger has six main varieties and the...

    Turmeric Plus Tablets

    BEST OPTION FOR VEGETARIANS - Our powerful Turmeric Plus Tablets are made of Turmeric and Black Pepper powder suitable for vegetarians.  HIGHEST INGREDIENT QUALITY: Our parent company Sri Sri Tattva...

    Quick Heal Cream

    Heal Cream is chemical free and made from 100% natural ayurvedic ingredients.    Quantity: 25g   Note: Important Product Information Ayurveda has a very different approach as compared to western...

    Immugen Tablets

    VEGAN DELIGHT: Sri Sri Tattva Immugen Tablets are completely and 100% vegan. HIGH RETURN VALUE: Sri Sri Tattva Immugen tablets are provided to you in a pack of 60 tablets...

    Virechana Vati Tablets

    In Ayurveda, optimum digestion is the most fundamental aspect of a healthy body and mind. Food should be properly digested, absorbed and assimilated.  Virechana Vati Tablets is a herbal tablet...

    Ajamoda Arka

    Derived from the preparation based on ajamoda fruit. Ajamoda Arka grows all over India and is the Sanskrit name for celery. Sri Sri Tattva is committed to providing you with the best...

    Kali Musali Tablets

    An exotic product, Kali Musali is widely spread in Ayurvedic science. This herb is found in India and can also be referred to as Curculigo orchioides, Taalmuli, Musali Kand, Blatsk...

    Pradarashamaka Syrup

      MADE UP OF 24 HERBS: This unique product by Sri Sri Tattva Pradarashamaka Syrup contains 24 Ayurvedic herbs sourced from our trusted vendors in India which are further processed in...

    Vasa Tablets

    Vasa commonly known as Malabar nut is one most significant herb. Vasa is found abundantly throughout India and is one of the most useful herbs ever found. The vasa plants...

    Chitrakaharitaki Lehya

    The Sri Sri Tattva Chitrakaharitaki Lehya are made from native and indigenous chitraharitaki and amalaki herbs. These herbs are found in the beautiful flora of India. Chitrakaharitaki Lehya  is one...

    Vyaghradi Tablets

    Vyaghradi is composed of Guduchi and is one of the most used plants in Ayurveda: it is appreciated for its Doshatrayara function, which allows it to act on balancing the...

    Ayush-64 Tablets

    AYUSH 64 is an Ayurvedic formulation which was developed by the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Science (CCRAS), the apex body for research in Ayurveda under the Ministry of...

    Kushmandaka Rasayana

    Kushmandaka Rasayana is native to Southeast Asia and can also be called Green pumpkin or While long melon. It is naturally sweet and it grows in hills to an altitude...

    Kshirabala Taila

    Size: 100ml   Note: Important Product Information Ayurveda has a very different approach as compared to western science. Our customers must note due to European laws and regulations, not all applications...

    Tulasi Drops

    PARADISE FOR VEGETARIANS: Sri Sri Tattva Tulasi Arka are suitable for vegetarians and made carefully by meditators and Ayurveda enthusiasts.   WE SUPPORT SOCIAL PROJECTS AROUND THE WORLD: We actively support...

    Jantughna Vati Tablets

    Jantughna Vati, with its mixed composition of ayurvedic herbs. It combines the benefits of Guduchi and Shallak. This product acts in Doshatrayahara, i.e. on balancing the three Doshas. Sri Sri...

    Vrikka Sanjivini Vati Tablets

    Sri Sri Tattva’s Vrikka Sanjivini Vati is made up of Ayurvedic traditional herbs which are grinded into powder and later on transformed into tablets. Vrikka Sanjivini Vati is one of our leading...

    Bhringamalakadi Taila

    Sri Sri Tattva Bhringamlakadi Taila is a medicated oil prepared from a combination of exquisite herbs.  Key benefits include improving hair quality and preventing premature graying of hair and hair...

    Pranda Gutika Tablets

    Pranda Gutika comes in tablet format and is made of Simarouba, which is a genus of trees and shrubs in the family Simaroubaceae, native to the neotropics. This Pranda Gutika...

    Atisarahara Vati Tablets

      Atisarahara Vati by Sri Sri Tattva is a combination of herbs. Some of the herbs in Atisarahara Vati are as follows:  Kutaja: Kutaja (Holarrhena antidysenterica) used in Atisarahara Vati...

    Omega 3,6,9 - Flaxseed Oil

    Flaxseed is enriched with the goodness of Omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids which are crucial for physical and mental development.    Key Benefits: Natural source of Omega 3, 6...

    Sudarshan Vati Tablets

    Key Ingredient: One of the key ingredients in Sudarshan Vati is Triphala which is a popular product among Ayurveda enthusiasts. It is an Ayurvedic herbal rasayana formula consisting of equal...

    Mehantaka Vati Tablets

    Mehantaka Vati is a combination of 15 ayurvedic plants.  In Sri Sri Tattva we only use high quality raw materials grown in India, which are then processed using ancient ayurvedic...

    Mahayogaraj Gugglu Tablets

    Quantity: 30 tablets   Note: Important Product Information Ayurveda has a very different approach as compared to western science. Our customers must note due to European laws and regulations, not all...

    Pinda Taila

    Sri Sri Tattva Pinda Taila has a soothing effect on the body. Regular massage with this oil relaxes muscles & restores easy movements. Please use as directed by the physician....

    Pratishyayahara Vati Tablets

      The main components of the Pratishyayahara Vati are bamboo, clove and ginger. Bamboo and Asian ginger are famous cooking ingredients and available in every Indian household along with clove, that adds...

    Kasahara Vati Tablets

      Kasahara Vati tablets are composed of Vibhitaki, Shunti, Maricha, Pippali and Mentha Spicata.  Sri Sri Tattva's Kasahara Vati tablets are made from powder. Our experts prepare the best mixtures...

    Evening Primrose

    How to Use? 1 capsule after food twice a day or as directed by a physician.   Key Ingredients: Evening Primrose Oil   Quantity: 60 capsules   Note: Important Product Information Ayurveda...

    Shwasa Shuddhi Vati

    Shwasa Shuddhi Vati has been specially formulated in ancient times to support the management of Prana (vital energy) in the body.   How to Use As prescribed by the physician....

    Cardi Strong - Garlic & Coconut Oil

     How to Use? 1 capsule after food once a day or as directed by a physician. Key Ingredients: Garlic Oil 500mg HPMC Vegetarian Capsules   Quantity: 60 capsules   Note: Important Product...

    Vit E - Wheat Germ Oil

    Wheat germ oil is a wonder oil which is thick, rich and has one of the highest amounts of Vitamin E levels. It is a very good source of Vitamin...

    Pradarashamaka Vati Tablets

    Pradrashamaka Vati is a proprietary herbo-mineral medicine.   Quantity: 60 tablets   Note: Important Product Information Ayurveda has a very different approach as compared to western science. Our customers must...

    Ginger Tablets

    Ginger comes from a flowering plant whose rhizome, ginger root or ginger, is widely used as a spice and as well as folk medicine. People have been using ginger in...

    Curcuwin - Quick Action Bioperine Oil

    Curcumin is the active ingredient in the traditional herbal remedy and dietary spice - Turmeric (Curcuma longa).   How to Use? 2 capsules after food once a day or as directed...

    Great After 40 - Fenugreek Oil

    Fenugreek, the humble Methi Dana, has long ruled over the kitchen space and not only adds a distinct flavour to your meals.     How to Use? 2 capsules after...

    Shishu Taila

    Sri Sri Tattva Shishu Taila is a wonderful blend of exquisite herbs prepared by restoring the essence of Traditional Ayurvedic oil. The oil helps to protect & nourish skin effectively. ...

    Memo Charge - Almond Oil

     Almonds contain healthy fats, fibre, protein, magnesium and vitamin E.    How to Use? 2 capsules after food once a day or as directed by a physician.   Key Ingredients: Almond...

    Super Food Extract - Moringa Oil

    Moringa oil is derived from the seeds of Moringa oleifera, a small tree native to the Himalayan mountains and sometimes referred to as “the miracle tree”. Moringa seeds have a...

    Immuno Protector - Nigella Oil

    Nigella oil is extracted from Black Seeds or Kalonji.   How to Use? 2 capsules after food once a day or as directed by a physician.   Key Ingredients: Nigella Oil 500mg...
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