Sudarshan Vati Tablets

Key Ingredient: One of the key ingredients in Sudarshan Vati is Triphala which is a popular product among Ayurveda enthusiasts. It is an Ayurvedic herbal rasayana formula consisting of equal...

Key Ingredient: One of the key ingredients in Sudarshan Vati is Triphala which is a popular product among Ayurveda enthusiasts. It is an Ayurvedic herbal rasayana formula consisting of equal parts of Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki taken without seeds.

Wellness and Ayurveda: Ayurveda is ancient since which takes a very different approach as compared to modern medicines. Since the last few decades the popularity of Ayurveda is growing around the world and Sri Sri Tattva aims to bring this knowledge available to all the households.

Sudarshan Vati is a unique herbal formulation. Sudarshan Vati tablets are made from powder.


Quantity: 60 tablets


Note: Important Product Information

Ayurveda has a very different approach as compared to western science. Our customers must note due to European laws and regulations, not all applications of our products may be listed on our website. Information about the health effects of products should be separated from the promotion of products. Also, many aspects of Ayurveda are based on principles and perspectives that fundamentally differ from western science.