Pratishyayahara Vati Tablets

  The main components of the Pratishyayahara Vati are bamboo, clove and ginger. Bamboo and Asian ginger are famous cooking ingredients and available in every Indian household along with clove, that adds...


The main components of the Pratishyayahara Vati are bamboo, clove and ginger. Bamboo and Asian ginger are famous cooking ingredients and available in every Indian household along with clove, that adds aroma and a slightly spicy flavor.

Pratishyayahara Vati is one of our leading products prepared by Ayuvedic procedures to the best interest of our customers.


Quantity: 60 tablets


Note: Important Product Information

Ayurveda has a very different approach as compared to western science. Our customers must note due to European laws and regulations, not all applications of our products may be listed on our website. Information about the health effects of products should be separated from the promotion of products. Also, many aspects of Ayurveda are based on principles and perspectives that fundamentally differ from western science.